Chakra One: Muladhara
Focus: Noticing gravity, and moving SLOWLY and deeply to really feel all aspects of the body
Kundalini: Butt bounce and roll, Knee lifts with breath
Bandha: Mula Bandha
Partner exercises: Earth skiing, slap hands, foot massage
Meditation: Earth element, roots going down, four petals, with square and downward pointing triangle, Shiva lingam, Kundalini coiled
Color: red
Seed sound: lam
Vowel sound: Oh
Mudra: Press the pads of the little fingers together
Chakra Two: Svadhisthana
Focus: Moving fluidly, like water, feeling sensuous with movements, noticing sensation
Kundalini: Pelvic rocks with breath while sitting
Pranayama: pelvic breath
Bandha: PC muscle pumps (women: kegels; men, flex while erect)
Partner exercises: join hands, bent with straight back; lean back to back and roll
Meditation: Water element, fluid flow, six petals, with half moon
Color: orange
Seed sound: vam
Vowel sound: Ooo (as in you)
Mudra: Press the pads of the little fingers together
Chakra Three: Manipura
Focus: Moving with will and purpose, energizing limbs and torso, building chi
Kundalini: Seated belly rolls
- Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati)
- Bastrika
Bandha: Uddiyana Bandha
Partner exercises: Willful arm lifts, towel pull, space invasion, statues,
Meditation: Fire element, energy distribution, strength, will, ten petals, with downward pointing triangle,
Color: yellow-gold
Seed sound: ram
Vowel sound: Ah (as in father)
Mudra: Press the pads of the ring fingers together
Chakra Four: Anahata
Focus: Working from breath, allowing breath to be deep, breath to move the body
- Anuloma Krama (inhale-hold, inhale-hold, etc.)
- Viloma Krama (exhale-hold, exhale-hold, etc.)
- Nadi Sodhana Alternate Nostril
Kundalini: twisting torso with wings out
Bandha: Mula bandha and jalandhara bandha
Meditation: Air element, spaciousness, love, balance, ease, twelve petals, intersecting triangles
Color: green
Seed sound: yam
Vowel sound: Ay (as in play)
Mudra: Press the pads of middle fingers together
Chakra Five: Vissuddha
Focus: Moving with sound, letting sound move the body, releasing through sound
Pranayama: Ujjayi
- General toning
- Seed sounds and vowel sounds of the chakras
Bandha: Jalandhara bandha (chin lock)
Ether or sound as element, resonance, harmony, vibration, sixteen petals, downward triangle
Color: bright blue
Seed sound: ham
Vowel sound: ee (as in see)
Mudra: Press the pads of index fingers together
Chakra Six: Ajna
Focus: Internal seeing, imagining energy moving, visualizing the chakras during posture
- Alternate nostril(Nadi Shodona)
Meditation: Light as element, visualize colors, deities, or shapes of the chakras, rainbow meditation, lotus with two petals
Color: indigo or white
Seed sound: om
Vowel sound: mmm
Mudra: Press the pads of thumbs together
Chakra Seven: Sahasrara
Focus: Awareness of body, awareness of awareness, witness consciousness, releasing attachment
- Alternate nostril (Nadi Shodona)
Meditation: thousand petaled lotus, transcendent or cosmic consciousness, unity, wisdom
Color: violet or white
Seed sound: none
Vowel sound: nnggg (as in sing)
Mudra: Press the pads of thumbs together